Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Must I dream and always see your face?

When I was younger, my mum REALLY liked Jeff Buckley. She'd play his album all the time in the house. Occasionally I'll decide to listen to him and I'll usually listen to the whole album 'Grace' a few times and then not be able to anymore. My mum used to take me and my brothers to pubs and things and I remember one of them having a jukebox and sometimes I got to put money in it and pick a song. I remember my mum asking me to get it to play either 'Lilac Wine' or 'Grace'.
I knew the song 'Hallelujah' but I didn't know that it was such a sad song until one of the times when I decided to listen to the album when I was 14. It's one of my favourite songs. Jeff Buckley's version is my favourite.
Another version was playing in a bookshop the other day (not sure what one, as there are so many and I wasn't paying attention) and since then, I've been wanting to listen to the album like crazy.

I found a song on my external drive that my mum used to play in the car when I was younger that I can remember going on an epic search through the internet for last year. Never, ever knew what the song was about, but when I listened to it, I remembered nearly all the words...Anyway, I found it on my external drive earlier...I've been having a weird night of songs-my-mum-played-when-I-was-a-fair-bit-smaller...
When I listen to Jeff Buckley, I can smell a house we lived in when I was younger. It's not a nice smell. And it reminds me of watching 'Anastasia' on a videotape that someone got for us before it was released. And peanut butter on toast. And one night, my mum wanted to go to the beach with her friends and we ended up there all night, sleeping on the beach, even though I wanted to go home and kept asking mum when we were going to and we got McDonalds for breakfast on the way home.

Around the same time, my mum liked to play The Cure and my brother Erik loved the song 'The Lovecats' and I remember my mum and tiny Erik dancing to it, so when I hear that song, I think of that and I feel happy.

I can't remember the point of this blog anymore, now!
Today was pretty boring. Had to get out of the house. Went and saw 'Valentine's Day' as it was the one movie starting within an hour of my getting there that didn't have the words 'post-apocalyptic America' in the summary thing.
I'm tired of post-apocalyptic America.

In other news, my moleskine is beginning to fall apart. Usually I'd just say notebook, but this time I mean fucking-expensive-notebook-which-everyone-said-would-be-sturdy-and-not-fall-apart.
Kind of irked by this.

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